Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm a bad triathlete and I don't even feel bad about it

I ended up leaving work early today because I hadn't been feeling great and I had a really bad sinus headache growing on me. I came home and took a nap and put an ice pack on my head just trying to get ahead of it. About 7 o'clock I started to feel better, but by that point, I couldn't head to Masters swim (bad triathlete, missing workouts and all).
Then I got a text from my friend Sean. He and his partner, Bo, were down in Chinatown heading to see the new Michael Jackson themed Cirque du Soleil show, The IMMORTAL World Tour, and wanted me to join. I had never seen a Cirque show and really had no idea that show was even in town. Plus, Ray is in California visiting friends and I'm just at home by myself. So, why the hell not?
At first, I felt guilty. I mean, I'm missing a night of training to go see a show! Then I thought how crazy that sounded. I've become one of those people. A slave to my trade. A slave to the workouts, to the numbers on the scale, to the numbers on the Garmin. Why shouldn't I be able to miss one night of training to hang out with some friends?
It was a good choice. The show was great and the company was perfect, as always. I'm now awake later on a Friday than I have been in weeks and may even get my workout in late tomorrow...

eh, maybe not, I don't think I can continue to rationalize this behavior.

New Blog, Same Dork


So, I was recently told I wasn't a REAL triathlete until I had a blog about it. This is moreso a safe space though. No more updates to Facebook and hopefully less mocking from friends. It's all done in fun, but I do understand that most people probably don't care that, according to Nike+, I "Just crushed another run". Or that I was bumped up a lane at Masters Swim and was dropped to a 1:40 100m.

So, sit back and enjoy the good, the bad, and the sweaty as I recount training, race reports, and general musings.