Sunday, December 30, 2012

End of the Off Season

So, it's been awhile. I'm terrible at updating blogs. It's something I'm working on. Hopefully, with the end of my Off-Season will come the end of not updating this blog. This was supposed to keep me in check, let me rant, let me pretend I have sage advice, and let me put things out into the world.
It's funny, I'm now two seasons through triathlons and I feel like I still know absolutely nothing. Even so, people trust me to instruct others! (I know, I get to ruin other peoples' race lives as well!)

I took up co-leading the club's Masters Swim group. I'm one of eight co-leads/coaches for the group and I probably have less experience swimming than anyone else on deck. I feel like a fraud up there most days. As if anyone should listen to me. I'm giving pointers to some folks who swam in high school. What the hell do I know? Oddly though, I'm not half bad at it and I really enjoy it. I think all coaches are just bullshit artists anyhow. Which is why I think I am able to also pick up volunteering as a co-lead for the Half Ironman Training Program for the club as well. I've run one Half Ironman. ONE. And I didn't run it well. At all. Like, seriously. I was the slowest of our group that went down to Augusta to do it. I also managed to sprain my ankle going into T1 and didn't realize it until after I crossed the finish line. I love endorphins!

This is me now though. Passing on the little knowledge I've gained in two years. Hopefully helping others continue on smoothly where I faltered. Hopefully learning more myself from seeing everything from the other side. And somehow managing to get in my own training!

I have an "A" race this coming year. It's the only race I have on my schedule. I'm trying to figure out what races I want to set up around it. That race is Ironman Lake Placid. I'm terrified and I feel like I've already ruined my shot at it.

I took an entire month off with very little activity. I burned myself out over this past season and needed to reboot. I feel like I'm starting at zero. I'm not, but I'm neurotic. I'm no where near where I wanted to be at this point. I gained 12 points in 3 months. That's crazy. I don't really feel bad about it. I think I did what I needed to do to get myself to a point where I could come back and get to training again. But my little roll is redeveloping on my back and I was really happy to see that go over the course of 2012. I know it won't be around long, but still.

So, it's the end of my Off-Season. It's time to get back into REAL training. It's time to kick it up a notch and remind my body what pain and suffering is and how much it likes it. It's also time to make sure Cat can't catch me!

This disjointed post brought to you by my brain.